Environment Setup for DBMS using XAMPP

The easiest way to learn building DBMS is making a simple webapp using PHP and MySQL which is very easy and straight forward to use.

Firstly, to build a Database management Application in our local computer, we need to create the environment using XAMPP. XAMPP stands for X-operating system, Apache, Mysql, Php, Perl We are going to need Apache and MySQL to create a web application.

Let's go Step by Step,

1. Download XAMPP

It is a development platform by Apache Friends. Let's download XAMPP from https://www.apachefriends.org/


For my windows machine, I'm going to download the XAMPP for Windows


2. Install XAMPP on Operating System

As I've downloaded for windows, I'm going with the procedure for windows machine.

i. Launch the Installer

Firstly, I'm going to launch the installer.

ii. Launch the Installer

If the installer shows this error, just click OK. This is because in windows, an application installed from one user sometimes doesn't get all the permissions to operate perfectly on the system.

iii. Select Components to Install

After clicking OK on previous screen, it will sequentially switch to this screen below. All the components should be selected by default. But if you want, you can unselect the ones you don't need.

iv. Choose the installation folder

After selecting components, clicking NEXT >, the installer will ask you to select a folder to install XAMPP in.


v. Select Control Panel Language


vi. Continue to Installation

After getting all the information's, the installer will ask you to proceed to final installation stage. After clicking OK, the installer will start to unpack itself at setup the components to the computer.

vii. Allow on Firewall

Both Apache and MySQL will ask for Firewall permissions. As it is working as a server on our computer, this Apache and MySQL server will be accessible from all clients on our local network. So we will be able to access out web application from all our computers and devices on our home or local network. This is why It is asking for permission through windows firewall .

viii. Finish Installation

We are going to finish the installation and start the control panel now.

3. XAMPP Control Panel

Here is the XAMPP Control Panel.

Start the Modules

To check out development environment, we are going to Start the Apache and the MySQL modules.

ii. Allow MySQL module on firewall.

The mysqld.exe process is the MySQL module. It might ask for firewall access on running for the first time. I'll allow the mysqld.exe on my firewall for development purpose.

iii. Check "localhost" on browser

After launching all the modules required, now type localhost on browser and press enter. If the XAMPP works correctly, It will show the page below.

Done. the installation is done.

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